What kind of angler are you?
Types of anglers based on their habits
Fishing has become a part of a lifestyle, techniques, equipment, lures, even sophisticated technology has been developed to facilitate and make fishing activities more challenging and interesting.
The purpose of fishing is now even wider, if in the past fishing was just to find fish to meet their daily needs, now, along with the times, fishing can be made as a means to carry out a hobbies and sports. in fact, many events even hold fishing competitions to win certain prizes
And the equipment used is increasingly diverse from the lowest price to the most expensive price,
Previously only fishing rods, fishing lines and hooks and bait were sufficient for fishing activities, today we can find equipment ranging from fishing rods with various materials and their respective uses, reels of various sizes, and quality and strong fishing lines to attract fish weighing hundreds of kilograms
Back to each of us, what kind of equipment that fits and fits the budget we have.
Beyond all that, I will discuss what type of angler you are.
Passive anglers
called passive anglers because people with this type, usually only will wait and wait for the fish to grab the bait that it installs. usually this type of angler will only focus on one spot.
install the bait, throw the bait to the destination and wait.
this type of passive angler usually does not require special skills and techniques in fishing.
And the chance of getting fish will be lower.
because they only hope that fish will come to the bait and grab the bait.
the trick so that the opportunity to get the bait lies in the bait. use live bait to attract predatory fish, and if the targeted fish is not a predatory fish, use bait that smells like fish, like fishy smell, food smell, or shape and smell resembles the natural food of the fish that will be targeted
Tilapia fishing using shrimp meat bait
Active type
active type anglers usually will often get a target fish strike, why ? active type anglers are anglers who can not stay at one spot only, he will try and look for spots that he thinks will potentially get a strike. in one day fishing trip maybe there will be some spots that he will try. fishing techniques will often change with each other with the spot conditions he faces.
the advantage of active type anglers is that they will get results faster and tend to get to know more and find new fishing spots.
lack of active anglers is in terms of equipment that requires to be more complete because it is not impossible when he tries a new spot will experience a hook fishing line stuck, or equipment that is not in accordance with his new spot, so that requires replacing fishing equipment
Active anglers usually spend more energy than passive anglers. good stamina must be possessed by active anglers.
the introduction of terrain and not being afraid to try new things becomes a necessity if we choose to be active anglers.
klik for the video Barramundi Fishing
what type of angler are you?
Whatever your type, make fishing a fun activity, and still maintain the safety of each of us and protect our nature so that our fishing activities can continue until our grandchildren later.
happy fishing and don't forget to visit my youtube channel at:
Wa Seno Indonesian fishing Channel